Rocking the Texas State Capitol for Texans For The Arts

The Kupira Marimba Trio has the pleasure of performing in the Rotunda of the Texas State Capitol for Texas Art’s Advocacy Day!
Texas Arts Advocacy Day included advocate training sessions, speakers sharing their expertise about TAADs legislative agenda items, performances in the Capitol Rotunda, lunch, and most importantly provided people with a chance to meet with their elected officials’ offices to ensure they know how important the arts are in our communities all across Texas and to urge their support of our arts-centric legislative agenda.
The arts change our lives and transform our communities! Please join us to speak up and play a vital role in advocating for a strong public investment in the arts. It is important that our Texas State Legislators hear from each of us about how the arts benefit our lives, our communities, our school children, the Texas economy, and much more!
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Texas State Capitol, Austin, Texas
Capitol Auditorium, E1.004
10:00-10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
WHO – Welcome – Texans for the Arts Foundation
* Who we are, what we do, how we engage across the state, why we are here
Cookie Ruiz, CFRE, Executive Director Ballet Austin; President, Texans for the Arts
Ann S. Graham, Executive Director, Texans for the Arts
10:40-10:50 a.m.
WHY – From the Legislator’s Perspective
* Why advocacy matters, what makes for a successful legislative visit
Representative Gina Hinojosa, District 49
10:50-11:20 a.m.
Invest in the Arts, The Arts Perform, ArtCanTexas
* Hear about their new economic and arts education impact report providing valuable data and perspectives from across the state.
Heidi Marquez Smith, Executive Director, and Jenny Parry, Director of Programs, Texas Cultural Trust;
Travis James, TXP, Inc.
Brent Hasty, Executive Director, MINDPOP
WHAT – Overview of Texans for the Arts’ Legislative Agenda for the 86th Session
Ann S. Graham, Executive Director, Texans for the Arts
11:20-11:30 a.m.
HOT Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax
How the Hotel Occupancy Tax (“HOT”) plays a role in fueling the creative economy, to the partnership
between TFA and THLA, and what to watch out for in the 86th.
Scott Joslove, CEO & President, Texas Hotel & Lodging Association
Cookie Ruiz, President, Texans for the Arts,
11:30-11:40 a.m.
Texas Commission on the Arts and TCA Cultural Districts
Discuss the impact of Cultural Districts and our work to restore $5 million to the TCA Cultural District grant program.
Dr. Gary Gibbs, Executive Director, Texas Commission on the Arts
Fiona Bond, Executive Director, Creative Waco, Board Member, Texans for the Arts
11:40-11:50 a.m.
The Arts and Military Initiative – “Creative Forces”
Learn about the $500,000 TCA “Exceptional Item” request and how these funds could support a breadth of programs that use the arts – easing veterans’ transition back to civil society or supporting formal art/music therapy programs addressing mental health needs.
Jonathan Wei, Executive Director, The Telling Project,
Outside The Capitol Grill
12:00-1:00 p.m.
Grab your boxed lunch – catered by The Capitol Gril
State Capitol Rotunda
12:00–1:00 p.m.
Celebration and performances in the Capitol Rotunda
Travis High School Classical Guitar Ensemble
Kupira Marimba Trio
Capitol Extension Rotunda
1:00-1:15 p.m.
Join us for a 2019 Texas Arts Advocacy Day Group Photo
Capitol Auditorium, E1.004
1:15-1:25 p.m.
HOW – Advocacy and Lobbying
Shannon Ghangurde, Government Relations Strategist, Texans for the Arts
1:25-2:00 p.m.
HOW – Speak Up-Speak Out – Advocacy 101
Demystify arts advocacy through role-playing and what-works-and-what-doesn’t to prepare you for your legislative visits.
Cookie Ruiz, President, Texans for the Arts
Nicholas Dragga, Executive Director Ballet Lubbock, Board Member, Texans for the Arts
Chris Kiley, Associate Director, Texans for the Arts
2:00-2:10 p.m.
Closing Remarks – The Impact of Your Voice!
Gwendolyn Kelso, Professional Actor, Voice Artist, Educator
Texas State Capitol, Legislative Offices
2:30-4:45 p.m.
Texans for the Arts’ staff will pre-schedule office visits with attendee’s respective legislators and include that information in attendees’ packets.
The Townsend Austin, 718 Congress Avenue, Suite 100
5:00-7:00 p.m.
CLOSING RECEPTION & HAPPY HOUR for 2019 Arts Advocacy Day for attendees and all Legislators sponsored in part by the Texas Cultural Trust.
Relax, review the accomplishments of the day, network while listening to live music by Cosmic and enjoying Happy Hour victuals. Special thanks to The Townsend Austin for their hospitality.